I climb the mountain to pick few edelweiss,
I am greeted by a mesmerising view across the snowcapped peaks,
here I can feel the divine breath,
I can smell the sacred fragrance,
the air is crisp subtle like a feather stoke.
I perceive his presence everywhere,
it's an experience of transcendence that includes the whole cosmos;
its so overpowering that I feel dizzy.
May the splendour of is fire,
the strength of his arm,
guide us,
blessings fall...
Subo a la montaña para recoger unas edelweiss ,
extasiada estoy ante las cimas albinas,
aquí siento el élan vital,
percibo su fragancia sagrada,
siento su toque delicado y su presencia en todo...
nos trasciende;
me sobrecoge el esplendor de su fuego...
su fuerza...
su guiá...
su beatitud inconmensurable.
Merche DemBar
MCN: C848N-NE3F7-51EFA