
False analysis


Unluckinesses would have disappointed many.

Luck is a desirable characteristic, although undefinable.

Some morning some people get up and decide.

The subject of temperamental attitudes

May gather in unpredictable multitudes

And change history course as a curse

Upon those who simply love Kandinsky

Or adore Emily Bronte, Woody Allen´s movies,

But avoid to decide things in a rush of blood.


Some get up and write manuscripts

Admitting on the inside nothing predicts

The palpable reason why there are writing  

And no simply hearing the Rachmaninoff’s third

As one is, dishonorable discharged, one abandon´s

Morning confusion as an illusion of possibility.


Theatricality changes perspective in ones best interests.

Proboscidean Lectures and gargantuan speeches

Never combined with a poem of Plath in the aftermath

Of a sunny day at the end of a scene of Brecht.

The inevitable beauty of Liszt

Has nothing to do to the fact

Of ones solitude as an act,

The Weltanschauung of an idealist.