

Sonant bells are the voice of Peter

Heard across the alleys of time

However, it is common they are nor
Sonant cries encircling the church,

Voices from real people and others not

Voices from within the suffering circles

The damned and the authors of a plot.


When one drinks and cries 

Cry for the earth negated.

The road not taken,

Her beauty departed 

Bodies appearing in the revolt mist

In a flour of desire and repentances 


On the other hand, better, the dark wings
that grew from the broad shoulders 
which one do not have nor subsequently
Remembers all the times he suffered in vain

All those nights I got out only in

Under the illusion that passion and pain will go away
with several doses of Courvoisier

In addition, some of Blue Johnny to walk.


Some endless lines keeping the habit

With MDMA, plenty off the balance.

Giant hangovers and a pi, irrationality

Comparatively, lost, Will event horizon

Not to refuse the legion of travelers,

Such a level of manipulation that I am sure

I will not put a rest to the pest of life I live


Having a family not related with my self

Economically, ethically or otherwise,

Women sought, dream ans scent of past.


Sonant bells are the voice of Peter

Heard across the alleys of time

However, it is common they are nor 
Sonant cries encircling the church,

Voices from real people and others not

Voices from within the suffering circles

The damned and the authors of a plot.


When one drinks and cries 

Cry for the earth negated.

The road not taken,

Her beauty departed 

Bodies appearing in the revolt mist

In a flour of desire and repentances 


On the other hand, better, the dark wings
that grew from the broad shoulders 
which one do not have nor subsequently
Remembers all the times he suffered in vain

All those nights I got out only in

Under the illusion that passion and pain will go away
with several doses of Courvoisier

In addition, some of Blue Johnny to walk.


Some endless lines keeping the habit

With MDMA, plenty off the balance.

Giant hangovers and a pi, irrationality

Comparatively, lost, Will event horizon

Not to refuse the legion of travelers,

Such a level of manipulation that I am sure

I will not put a rest to the pest of life I live


Having a family not related with my self

Economically, ethically or otherwise,

Women bought to leave as they please

Any given reasons to that making a man

A block of powder a rock rolling to the abyss


Aging my problem is lack of work, understanding that

More paces in the path of conformity, from them to me

If I may not write, decades I am been waiting the drugs to cease

To avoid some labels. From me everybody can say that the neurons had gone astray, the person says he refuses women because he has none

I love and my live is a place was every time I turn there is a woman with witch I divided; empty apartments were I call for them dramatically.


There is no going back.

Today there is an accusation of treason

I cannot escape.


In addition, I dress myself in stone

Inlaid with tears from Rio, and cheerfully city ofOporto

With this nightmare of yours, memory is leaving and

Abandoning in a cold place like a shadow over a river

The tears for my  daughters lost, they lost by the position I cannot abandon the price of not losing, or loosing oneself under de volcano, a game of not run for prizes like gladiolus

May be the one intended to be smashed by the power of many.

May I rest and not write thoughts you loath.

No desire to travel or to work abroad, nor desire to work within.

So many people crossing and critizizing me...