Marco Antonio (El Gringo)


disintegrated into pieces numerous as the stars in the skies above
no larger than grains of sand scattered along a desolate beach
washed away by waves of pain, swallowed into the ocean\'s deep
at the bottom, drowned in melancholy, never to emerge - forgotten

deteriorated in abeyance between infinity and eternity without love
the past circles the future like a vulture, the present out of reach
the night stalks over a bed of nails, on the ceiling clings elusive sleep
underneath the pillow asphyxiated: soul, body, heart and mind - rotten

overwhelming affliction throngs the essence until more is not enough
forbearance depleted, to no avail the search for someone to beseech
palpitation of cessation; at last one more step before the pernicious leap
perplexity, the ultimate neglect of the created by the eternally-begotten

snared into a world where truth and lie, reality and illusion coalesce
the futile pursuit of vindication notwithstanding - I shall never acquiesce



Marco \'94