Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick

OSADÍA (Décima Espinela - abbaaccddc - rima consonante)

Al orillo de mi esencia
se refleja la osadía,
mas, quisiera el alma mía
fuera clara en obediencia
pues, aferrada a conciencia
si soltara yo sus riendas
liberando sus contiendas
absorbería mis vicios
sin perder aquellos juicios
que prestigian mis aprendas.

Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick
Derechos de autor©


OSADÍA - (Tenth Spinel - abbaaccddc - consonant rhyme)

At the edge of my essence
boldness is reflected,
but, I would like my soul
was clear in obedience
well, clinging to consciousness
If I let go of her reins
releasing their strife
would absorb my vices
without losing those judgments
that prestige my learning.

Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick
Copyright ©