Amanecía el horizonte
bajo un sol naciente.
Las aguas que un día
perfumaban el verde
que el prado cubría,
perdieron sus manos
acariciando la vida.
Se durmieron cansados
los rayos de plata,
y la noche veló
el llanto estremecido
del manto que ungido;
sin estrellas quedó.
Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick
Derechos de Autor©
The horizon was dawning
under a rising sun.
The waters that one day
they perfumed the green
that the meadow covered,
they lost their hands
caressing life.
They fell asleep tired
the silver rays,
and the night veiled
the shuddering crying
from the mantle that anointed;
No stars left.
Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick
Copyright ©