

Twas the night before Christmas and all through in the casa, not a creature was stirring. Carajo!! Que pasa??

Los niños were all tucked away in their cama, some in calzoncillos and some in pijamas.

While mami worked late in her little cocina, el viejo was down playing la bolita. 

The stocking were hanging with mucho cuidado, in hopes that St Nicholas would feel obligado,

to bring all the children buenos y malos, a nice batch of juegos and other regalos.

Outside in the yard there arose such a grito, that I jumped to my feet like a frightened cabrito.

I ran to the window and looked afuera, and who in the world do you think quien era??

St Nick in a sleigh in a big pava. Came dashing along eating some queso blanco with pasta de guayaba.

And pulling his trineo instead of venados were eight chupacabras approaching the mountains cerca de mi casa.

I watched  as they came, as this quaint little hombre, was shouting and calling by names, Ay Juan!! Ay Jose!! Oye flaco!! Oye Nico!!

Then standing erect with his hand on his pecho, he flew to the top of our own very techo!! With his round little belly like a bowl with cerezos. 

He struggled to squeeze down our own old chimney con un pedazito de pan, then huffing and puffing, at last in our sala.

With soot smeared all over his guayabera y pava, he filled all the stocking with lovely regalos, some for the niños que han sido bien malo. 

Then chuckling aloud, seeming very contento, seeing that we left him some pasteles and a bottle of coquito. He turned like a flash and was gone like a viento.

¡¡Yo les escribo éste cuento, que es la verdad, deseandoles Merry Christmas y Feliz Navidad!!