

If you ever doubt yourself,

Look back and tell me, 

How many times you\'ve fallen apart,

And how many times you\'ve stood up to fight?


If you ever doubt you\'re pretty,

Look back and think,

Have you ever seen yourself through my eyes?

Have you ever looked in the mirror when you smile? 


If you ever doubt your courage,

Look back and tell me,

How many times you\'ve broken out yours limits? 

And how many times you\'ve reached out your goals? 


If you ever doubt you\'re worth it, 

Look back and think, 

How many people\'s been looking after you,

How many of them have proved to care? 


... And if you ever doubt I love you, 

Look back and tell me... 

How many times was I there for you? 

and how many times you think I\'ll be there...