
Sucher lovers

Sucker lovers are known to swing, 

No one in a relationship expects anything.

Such is the Zeitgeist, Warte nur, balde…


Suicide, shoot their own feet, 

We want profound discourses, 

Even if they’re all courses and a defensive fleet


Precious and warm memories,

And we can’t see that fuching blue Velvet

Though our hearts, no blue velvet through our tears.

Sucker lovers are known to swing, 

No one in a relationship expects anything.

Such is the Zeitgeist, Warte nur, balde…


Suicide, shoot their own feet, 

We want profound discourses, 

Even if they’re all courses and a defensive fleet


Precious and warm memories,

And we can’t see that fuching blue Velvet

Though our hearts, no blue velvet through our tears.


When you were afloat….


You float life as a seether, surrounded by creation,

Si te preguntan por mi,

Sucker lovers 

Darling, I’ve been invited on dates, Sax-action

When you were afloat….


You float life as a seether, surrounded by creation,

Si te preguntan por mi, Sucker lovers 

Darling, I’ve been invited on dates, 
