Sir Frido D\'Antuna


Refugiate en tu soledad amigo mio...
te veo acribillado por moscas venenosas.
Refugiate allí donde sopla un viento fuerte y frío.
Refugiate en tu soledad.
Ya has vivido mucho tiempo
entre gente mediocre y miserable.
Huye de su venganza invisible,
no ves que son demasiadas.
No alces tu brazo contra ellas
son legión y tu destino no es
el de convertirte en un matamoscas.
Ante ti se sienten empequeñecidos
y su mediocridad estalla invisible contra ti.

Si amigo mío,
para tu prójimo eres su mala conciencia pues no es digno de ti.
Por eso el te odia y quisiera chupar tu sangre.
Tu prójimo será siempre una mosca venenosa.
Refugiate en tu soledad amigo mio...
Allí donde sopla un viento fuerte y frío.
Tu destino no es el de convertirte
en matamoscas.

Traducción de Google


Take refuge in your solitude my friend... I see you riddled with poisonous flies. Take refuge where a strong and cold wind blows. Take refuge in your solitude. You have already lived too long among mediocre and miserable people. Flee from their invisible vengeance, don\'t you see that there are too many of them. Do not raise your arm against them they are legion and your destiny is not to become a fly swatter. Before you they feel dwarfed and their mediocrity bursts invisible against you. Yes, my friend, for your neighbor you are his bad conscience because he is not worthy of you. That is why he hates you and would like to suck your blood. Your neighbor will always be a poisonous fly. Take refuge in your solitude, my friend... Where the wind blows strong and cold. Your destiny is not to become a fly swatter.