Autumn Soul

Arturo Villada Vidal

Seems Like Yesterday
When I Met You,
When I Heard Your Voice
And Your Smile.
I Don't Feel The Time
When I'm With You,
You Always Got
Some Kind Of Magic
In Your Words,
In The Way Of Your Moves,
And It's Something
A Little Hard To Explain:
It's A Happiness
That Springs From Your Skin,
From Your Eyes,
It's Like The Feeling
Of Walking On Clouds,
It's Like I Could
Breathe Under Water
When I Laugth Next To You,
Like The Sky When Is Purple,
Like The Soft Cold
In The Street.

I Know You
A Little,
With A Bit Of Time,
And The Surprise
Hit Me In The Face
Like A Gust Of
Warm Wind
When I Realized
All The Pure
In The Autumn Soul
That Inhabits You
From The Foot
Your Heart.

  • Autor: Raskolnikof (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 6 de mayo de 2011 a las 10:43
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 29
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