Its been more years then I can remember.
That glorious day that I met you on December.
Those sweet moments that I used to cherish
are more likely to some day come to perish.
I might as well just get over them now.
I’ll say goodbye to them all with a sincere vow.
Now to make it so that I don’t remember
Ill just stick to that day that you made me surrender
Joey (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 7 de agosto de 2009 a las 01:12
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: este fue mi segundo poema escrito es en ingles, y si no estan permitidos los poemas en ingles pido q me disculpen, no he leido las reglas todavia.
- Categoría: Triste
- Lecturas: 59
very realistic, the day u don't want to remember, it's the da that yours heart surrender
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