You drawned me with your beauty
filling up my veins
and drenched me in your memories
you made me know the fear.
You made mi blind and dumber
than I have never been
and crossed me like a thunder
made me fall on my knees.
You teached me all the meaning
of words like love and pain
you made me suffer sweetness
you teached me love in chains.
I´ve changed, and i have grown up
I´ve died and reached the life
Now I lie worthless and numb
Learning to shut me up.
And now, i love the poetry
the lyrics and the rhymes
I write down what my heart screams
To get rid of my crimes.
Can´t get out of this stupid
And painfull pointless lie
I have to make it trough this
To live, before i die.
blueblueblue (
- Publicado: 14 de julio de 2011 a las 13:11
- Categoría: Triste
- Lecturas: 45
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