You will bleed your self
to remind your alive
you will cut your flesh
to easy the pain inside
you will scream until sun dawn
to quiet the voices in your head
the one the tell you
the your dead ...
The numbness in you soul
the pain in your heart
the tears the are frozen
all is just insane .....
The love that make you breathe
and dream like a fool
even when you are awake ....
but that same love is the one
that makes you today cry ...
love is pain
love is a fary tale
love is a dream
love are tears
love is to live
without fears to be hurt
love is a mistery
love is just insane .......
Angy (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 17 de noviembre de 2011 a las 13:10
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 56
A little sad,but ultimately very good."love is pain love is fary tale love is a dream love are tears love is to live", Continue writing. Many Blessings.
muy triston el poema... angy ... y un poco rencoroso con el sentimiento que nos ace recordar qe estamos vivos... pero igual... el amor solo nos ace sufrir...
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