Perpetual Kingdom of Thee
Glorious Heat of the Morning new
Sacred Resplendour of the Life-giver
Thanks to Thee every single Being is renewed
In the daily Ritual of Thy bright Fever
At no Time dost Thou rest
Neither Tiredness Thou knowst
By Thou, Meadow, Hill, Stream and me are blessed
And Thy Presence gaily Joy is for the Kingdom Thou ownst
Adored hast Thou ever been from Pole to Pole
Every Man on Earth hath acknowledged Thy Grandeur
Every Creature on Earth hath but longed Thy whole
Majestic Gleaming their Existence to manoeuvre
The Earth covered with Sadness is in Thy Absence
O! Please hastest, hastest thou and givest Birth to a new Dawn
O King! Dost Thou not hesitate to appear but showest Thy majestic Presence
Subdued to thy Might are we all and eternally scrutinised by Thy Eyes from upon
- Autor: nahuelsalta ( Offline)
- Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2012 a las 11:51
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 25
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