That you never sang the song imagine
That you never danced the song Billie Jean
That you never kissed your love in magic
That you wouldn’t lose for it and wanting.
What could’ve been yourself instead?
I’m glad nothing of that did happen
Imagine having you just like that
That nobody stole your heart.
You would not be here and alive
Too bad you were so protective
You didn’t live a life at night
You didn’t sleep your way to lie.
Imagine nothing like that did happen
That’s why you’re waiting here tonight
With me, like me, to live a life, if you want.
Jorge G Sifuentes
Junio, 09 2012
Jorge G Sifuentes (
- Publicado: 8 de junio de 2012 a las 02:33
- Categoría: Fantástico
- Lecturas: 64
Vitales letras, las vida se vive. Saludos.
...Y saludos
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