when I was younger,
I felt the love inside
but know I can understand
the meaning of those words.
I was too child
when you leave me alone
and know I can say
I don´t need you anymore
´cause I die when you go
´cause I never heal
the scar in my heart
and still now
I can´t understand
why you stay away from me
and return after time
treatin´ me
like nothing else happens.
now, I can´t recognize
the word dad
I don´t know
what you try to say
when you spell the word love
sorry, ´cause I try to apologize you,
I swear that I´m doin´all in my hands
to tell you
that loves is on me,
but everytime I´m feeling better
you throw it off
and it hurts
every word kills me
´cause it strikes
in my unhealin´wound
I try to imagine
a world with you
I´m fightin´for my goals
you´re the most important
Do you know?
But your fuckin´acttitude
piss me off
You´re a great person for me
but still now
you can´t be
my fuckin´heroe
it hurts, I´m feeling bad
tellin´this stuffs
I admire
all the things you made for me
all the sacrifice, for the family
but I can´t understand
I can´t appreciate
why you behave like this
I do everything
to gain your respect
I fight with all my enemies
to put you safe
but my strength
began to fail
so please,
Could you fight besides me?
Terrazas Pavón David Alejandro (SashoV) (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 12 de octubre de 2009 a las 22:01
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: este es un poema el cual espero que les guste, cambie un poco mi estilo, saludos y "Hasta un pronto amanecer"
- Categoría: Triste
- Lecturas: 109
Oh My God!
are you crazy?
here we speak Spanish!!!
Un poquito de por favoooor...
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