me on the left and you on the
right the way we laid our
bodies the start of the nigh.
my head on two pillows as
yours lay on one tired
from the day and all we had done.
one arm under pillow, the other
kept you warm i'd pull you in
close during thunder and storm.
i still remember the sweet scent
of your hair as we closed our
eyes and i held you for prayer.
the rise and fall of breath
from your chest would
remind me of that day that
god had blessed.
your face would go soft and
lips would yawn you'd
fall asleep with the television still on.
middle of the night your
house stayed warm the fan on
high was always the norm.
i'd stolen the blanket and kicked
down the sheet the only pillow
you had now lay at your feet.
sometimes i'd wake while
there you still lay i'd creep
to your bedside and kneel
as to pray.
i would lean in close as if to
steal a kiss these moments of
affection are the ones that i miss.
i'd sit and watch while you lay
there and snore i'd sometimes fall
asleep with my head on the floor.
you always tought you sleept
without peep instead of counting
them you baa'd like a sheep.
your body lay still kept for the
rise and fall of your beautiful
body that lay there in sprawl.
but the most memorable
part of those sleepless nights wasn't
the snoring, the prayer or absence of lights.
it was the way in which your
eyes would flicker beneath lid
and lash i would try not to snicker.
to me it was funny to just watch
them move as if they were
dancers stepping to groove.
i could only guess what your
mind would dream maybe
thoughts of our future and how
it would seem.
would it be an uphill battle, a test
for all time?, or simply steps in a
stairwell that together we'd climb.
most of the mornings you'd wake
with a smile and some you slept
in for at lest a little while.
but now these memories are just
written in line and filed in a
cabinet in the back of mu mind.
memory of you sleeping, snoring,
eyes wide shut now my
heart beating, bleeding, crimson and cut.
your eyelids would flutter as your
eyes would dance and i'd pray
to god to just give me the chance
to fix what i'd done and to
right the wrong of the poor
choices that i'd hidden for oh
so long.
these are the toughts i now remember
the most the memories in my heart i still hold to close.
times i sat by your side as
night was still grey all
through the morning before
dark turned to day.
i'd ask him to bless this
love i'd forsaken taken for
granted and stole for the taking.
unfortunately i received a
different kind of answer but
you will always remain my
eyelid dancer.
rosablanca (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2013 a las 19:43
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 61
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: rosablanca, Valeria
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