
Denny Sangiovanni


I awake each morning to start a new day

But the pain of loosing you,

never goes away.

I go about the things I have to do,

and as the hours pass

I think again of you.,

and I just ask to myself,

Is there an end to my  pain?


 I lose you every day,

when I wake up in the morning,

when I go to sleep at night,

when I remember you ,

looking into my eyes,

and I just ask to my self,

Is there an end to my  pain?


  I still remember the day,

when I said good bye to you,

and you said good bye to me,

I called you home,

and you were there for me.

It was Iike a premonition,

I won't see you back again,

and I just ask to my self,

Is there an end to my  pain?


  I just dream of the day,

when I will see you in Heaven,

and I just pray to my Lord,

I don't have to lose you again,

and finally,

 I will have and end to my pain..


Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: DERASA (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 26 de julio de 2013 a las 10:07
  • Categoría: Familia
  • Lecturas: 29
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  • Peregrina

    A una madre siempre se le extraña. But there is no need to miss her in pain. One can miss a mother in quietness.
    Very nice your poem.

    Saludos amistosos de

    • Denny Sangiovanni

      El dolor es sobre la pérdida, no sobre la madre. El sentimiento
      sobre la pérdida cada persona la maneja de forma única.
      Y tiene un final ese dolor, cuando estemos reunidos de nuevo,
      si Dios lo quiere.

      Gracias por comentar.

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