Victorian renaissance


Articulation decaying on threshold.
The boy's scattered face.
Echoes on the smoked wall, persistence
Sharing the attempt of a major plausibility.
Victoria Regina ruled and gave opportunity to control society
By her given set of non written rules.
It was time to control, as deliberated interruption
Of evolutionary theory and social casualties occurred..
Mores Majorum, customs as social custody,
a jail were guards are indeed the prisoner like thee
Reinvent, recruiting to recreate
Enchanting, painting the attempt to fake
And note, dear,
1984 is a fable
This is really deep shit
And not the sheep revolving
The barn,
and writing a bible,
and chasing the wolf.
-there are major interests involved here, my boy!
Lupus lupus must remember
The sheepish past that lies beneath.
One man and his sheep went to mow a meadow
And then alzeimer and the sheep
Went to ship the crook
In a Victorian eager way
Simple storytelling
Nobody Will listen you yelling
Or believe in God
As they pretend to.

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 28 de septiembre de 2013 a las 14:54
  • Categoría: Sociopolítico
  • Lecturas: 72
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: El Hombre de la Rosa
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