I rather not smoke for obvious reasons.
One's change in response of evidence,
And the rat goes insensate underwater,
With the nerves flourishing at night
The vision fierce with expression of might.
Direction lost, the tempest came unexplained.
Irresponsibility assumed as charged.
Jail and kids in danger as a menace
Coming from one community, the same
That should do exactly the contrary.
Which has nothing to do with smoke.
But yes, being the suitor of the author,
Or having the illusion of control
We can reflect the troubled waters
Expose the alteration of our daughters
Once nineteen has settled at my backyard
Several thousands odd little things
Were related to the magical odd.
What ambiguousness, such a lost!
Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2013 a las 05:46
- Categoría: Fantástico
- Lecturas: 33
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: , El Hombre de la Rosa
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