Christmas song.
Children are freezing outside.
The children’s of the world are having cold, most of the children are now in walk, from place to place, escaping from rifle and guns, running away from explosives and the terrible sound they produce. The children’s of today are afraid and cold, not enough food, and they die in a spot, they feel pain and die. They cross borders and landsman even climb mountains, with almost no cloth, with some bread they have given by chance, they move with mothers and old, for safety they do not know by sure, to be checked in case they have something to hide., children of the world are dying now of cold, it is freezing outside, it is snowing outside, and they precisely outside and we all are just observing the seen, wondering of things we have in mind.
They give food and arms, charity of nowadays, kill and starve and be a refugee, move away, and let the war carry on. We give you bread and arms, bullet to kill, but keep moving abroad.
The children of so many parts are freezing of cold, it is winter and it snowing outside, while you have your Christmas in time, and duck and chicken are roasted to taste with wine, they are children outside dying of cold.
Karlos Barbara Salvalobos.
[email protected] (
- Publicado: 16 de diciembre de 2013 a las 05:15
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 82
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: El Hombre de la Rosa
Hermosas y gratas tus bellas letras en vísperas de la Navidad amigo Karam
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