Beautiful America, you get manipulate by a lot of bad people and the sun always blazes on you. This is my way to say thankyou to you.
This is the best place where I can describe each part of all your colors. America, you have the best climate in the world. The most beautiful women.
In this continent we can find tropical Islas and a the same time cold weather.
People have the better experience than others continent, and everyone always wants to come back.
We never have forgotten you even though you get destroyed.
America doesn't change. America is the continent where you can find different kind of people who try to be the best big family possible.
Nepher (
- Publicado: 25 de enero de 2014 a las 14:15
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 63
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Ayelén, El Hombre de la Rosa
Un placer pasar por tus bellas letras amigo DRcapitalangel...
Saludos y amistad...
Críspulo el de la Rosa...
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