I had never felt so nervous in my life, but I knew I had to do it.
We spent all the day together. I was, happy?
The moment arrived. We were right there, up the clouds.
We had been planning that day for so long that it had to be awesome and perfect, and it was!
She was very nervous, I didn´t know if it was because of me or the place we were, all I can say now is that I was even more excited than her.
I was sitting at the same place, just like in the photo.
I said, ‘don´t be afraid, trust me’, and she came to me. First, we melted in a hug, I could feel her heart beating really fast and I think she felt mine as well.
After some minutes talking, feeling her head upon my shoulder and being the luckiest and happiest man in the world, she moved. When I stopped feeling her head, her heart, her body, I didn´t know what was going to happen, luckily, she looked at me, as no girl has never done before, and she said ‘do you love me?’, I, we said no words, we just let our lips talk, but they didn´t, they played instead.
jimmyraus (
- Publicado: 25 de enero de 2014 a las 19:11
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 35
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Ayelén, El Hombre de la Rosa
she looked at me, as no girl has never done before, and she said ‘do you love me?’, I, we said no words, we just let our lips talk, but they didn´t, they played instead.
BEAUTIFUL .........good work!!
La belleza de tus letras ilumina el alma de tu poesía amigo Jimmy Raus
Saludos de amistad de Críspulo
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