I Am

Fernando Martínez

I am the one,

who stays quiet like a book waiting for someone that can read it;

the one,

whose soul starves for the opportunity to create

an unusual perception of every single object it sees.

I wonder why we always build our own prison,

killing the heart and feeding the hatred.

I pretend to be a dreamer;

the one,

who is going to wait for a new world

until we can accept the real meaning of compassion.

I worry about the way in which we escape from our identity,

changing life for gold and gold for death.

I understand that life is cruel;

however,  it is the best method to learn the gift of love.

I say that nobody has the right to kill a dream,

but dreams have the right to kill the doubts.

I dream about a change in which I can design a piece of a new galaxy

in which all humans can be together as our original inventor thought once.

I try to give my best every single day

in order to live without nightmares.

I hope to find happiness

in each smile that people can return to me.

I am the one

who stays quiet like a book waiting for someone that can read it;

the one,

whose soul starves for the opportunity to create

an unusual perception of every single object it sees.

  • Autor: Fernando Martínez Lyra (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 3 de marzo de 2014 a las 00:38
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 57
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: jairodelacroix
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  • jairodelacroix

    Remarkable writing, tough I'm afraid you are not the only ONE (get it?)


  • Carlos Manuel Larrea

    Hallo Noel!
    I am an old man who likes to read and tries to write good things... I was born in Ecuador and live over forty years now in Germany. The first foreign language I learnt and am still learning is English, that is why I can understand what you write.
    One year ago I saw Ernesto Cardenal, who was making a tour, probably the last one... in Germany. I had never seen him before, I was surprised the way he spoke Spanish reading his poems, like someone of the street, not like a cultivated man. I think his soul is very identified with his people.
    A very small, very old man.
    I can imagine, he sees the things through the love to God, in whom he believes.
    Your question is very interesting.
    I think, I could begin seeing everything intently, seeing it really and meditating about it.
    Normally we use everything, every object, without thinking about it. The way I use this laptop now, although it is a wonder!
    I have read some of the other poems you have published here, I mean, for the first time now.
    Most of the things people publish here have nothing to do with poetry.
    If I answer to you is because I think you are on the way to to become a good poet.
    Take care


    • Fernando Martínez

      wow, I have no words, thanks for your coments, and that´s true. Ernesto Cardenal is amazing, and we can feel that when we read his works. Actually, he is from my country too. I hope to improve my writing. perhaps, one day I can do something bigger than what I´m doing now. remember that living is not the hope of the ones who missed the meaning of their lives, nor is it the happiness of the ones who learned how to tolerate it.

      • Carlos Manuel Larrea


        gracias por responder a mi comentario.

        Por supuesto que sé que Ernesto Cardenal es un compatriota tuyo, por eso lo mencioné.

        También un compatriota tuyo es Rubén Darío...

        He estado reflexionando sobre la última frase de tu respuesta, sobre el sentido de la vida.
        Creo que pertenezco a la categoría de los que tarde, ya muy tarde entienden el sentido de su existencia.

        Volviendo a Rubén Darío: Aún me sé de memoria algunos poemas que me aprendí cuando era muy joven, y que, con frecuencia, me los recito a mí mismo.

        Un error que cometen algunos de los que publican aquí es publicar demasiado: no se puede escribir diariamente una obra maestra.
        Gottfried Benn, un poeta alemán, es de la opinión de que un poeta en toda su vida no escribe mucho más allá de siete buenos poemas.

        Claro que eso es una exageración, pero es verdad que la calidad es siempre mejor que la cantidad.

        Cada día aprendo un poco más.

        Cordiales saludos,


        • Fernando Martínez

          en cierta manera tiene razón aunque cuando hay sentimiento para escribir realmente cuando menos te lo esperas ya has escrito cientos de frases

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