Have you ever considered relativity,
misunderstanding as a prejudice,
you simply know as things should be?
Each one rolls his dice to Paradise
Phase two implies considerations,
self-explanatory amber disdainfuls.
The person cannot keep schedules
Cannot fulfill founded expectations.
That guy never ends a project.
A weight for others to carry.
No way things may one day vary.
From losers, child we must protect.
He must be taught a lesson.
From delay to obstruction
He by us should be estranged
And all things therefore arranged.
One evening death men walking
Was catch by inevitable event
Obstruction ceased, children flourished
Some around an anonymous grave
Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 27 de marzo de 2014 a las 10:10
- Categoría: Naturaleza
- Lecturas: 31
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