Baluster over an impasse


Heel broken, wait at the bottom of a ravine.

Smashed kneel, attended at the top of a hill,

So vast the occurrences where help is needed

Based on a presuppose we are not to be left unattended

Opposing the natural fact of being left bleeding.



And yet we strongly compete, hound and kill,

Extract value where damage is unavoidable

While ethics and Genève convention stand still,

Balusters of high hopes more than ever conceivable,

Oh why use a theme so redundant, in a manner so aloof?



I see myself and find nothing of useful

These words are an explicit declaration,

The right to say I cannot accomplish

The road is too rocky or my feet to soft.



Today I dream and civilization is a pair of cuffs

My balustrade gone in pieces, sunken in the river,

Flowing to the sea inside of me, grudging revolted,

My sons and daughters, how I surpass this impasse? 

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 9 de abril de 2014 a las 08:46
  • Categoría: Familia
  • Lecturas: 47
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