The horizon curved in a red gradient light,
As the woman screamed in a madness tone,
Oceans of reverberation involved sea birds,
Treating the female behavior as impolite.
She was stoned, roller ball and a cyclone,
Brain storm of neurological annunciated death,
Felicity her punk chosen name, mam called violet,
Looking for someone who has lost guidance.
After an exaggerated pas de deux, she froze.
Slight seizures and a vomit as penultimate,
The girl didn´t know the term melorism,
Vomit and heart stop, her steps were erosion
All her life searching mam, a true path of devotion
Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 30 de mayo de 2014 a las 15:01
- Categoría: Familia
- Lecturas: 27
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