I hear your voice,
in the silence with noise,
I have your heart,
inside of my head,
I hear your silence,
when you touch my mouth,
when I give you the rhythm,
I have your lips once again,
in the bedroom, in the dark,
I can see in my sky the star,
and we are in silence,
but, I hear your whisper,
like a slow breath in your mouth,
when my nose is caughtness,
and my desires are your life,
without sadness neither happiness,
I hear your noise,
when is your voice,
that tell me “I love you”,
and I stay with glad emotion,
when my passion,
is the most important thing,
and I think in your feeling,
between the truth and false,
of these hidden love.
EMYZAG (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 29 de julio de 2014 a las 00:30
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 37
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