I can see the stars many times,
in a full sky of your essence,
I can feel your mouth sometimes,
in my full skin of your presence,
this time is perfect,
to love, to laugh,
to cry and desire the best,
this time is precious,
if your love is all,
and you are everything to me,
born again a new destiny,
with this time in my time, It’s alright,
I can see the moments in my heart,
when my illusion is forever,
draw a heart in my skin,
and you can see the real love,
Cry with me an instance,
laugh with me in this time,
the time is tremendous,
when your smile is fabulous,
You can feel my caress,
when only you, only you,
you can touch my sense,
when I have your innocence,
This time is perfect,
to love the excite moment,
in my life, my only life,
is perfect this time.
EMYZAG (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 1 de agosto de 2014 a las 00:02
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 32
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