Would a black page see all the collected,
So many folded unfolded painted unpainted
Folders, pages of books called persons?
Persons insist on reading but danger is.
Danger of travelling and never want to quit,
Danger of Redding a personal opinion as a position
As it were scientific paradigms or majority theories.
Danger of reading fiction: alters your way of thinking.
The perils of enchanting classic epic or dramas
Almost as viral as a fifty's Sinatra concert, Fly me.
What right has we in assuming risks like those?
Nice books are good reading, the net bad to the bone.
Splendid hardcovers, our friends, like red roofs.
Turning winter a splendid station. and you so aloof...
If you read Virgil or Homer you turn a philologist.
Send children to school God you are an atheist.
You are always wrong if your fate is undetermined
You are death by anticipation if Cassandra whispers.
If I were You I rather not be me too.
Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 14 de agosto de 2014 a las 14:43
- Categoría: Humor
- Lecturas: 26
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