Damnation may offer itself as a real aspiration
Or, on the contrary, as the tunnel´s trepidation
Before it collapses in hot melting souls and pain.
We look forward, studies, travels, careers, many in vain.
Associate the idea of success as the opposite of failure
Is so childish as in school to use your father is a looser as insult,
When most of the teens never face the face of deprived.
To lose is an experience most of us know by emulation,
Lose an aspiration happens to a child, a couple, a corporation, a nation.
And humanity insist on you looser instead of you brother, need a hand?
Damnation may offer itself as a real aspiration
Or, on the contrary, as the tunnel´s trepidation
Before it collapses in hot melting souls and pain.
We look forward, studies, travels, careers, many in vain.
Associate the idea of success as the opposite of failure
Is so childish as in school to use your father is a looser as insult,
When most of the teens never face the face of deprived.
To lose is an experience most of us know by emulation,
Lose an aspiration:to a child, a couple, a corporation, a nation.
And humanity insist on you looser instead of you brother, need a hand?
Out of that publicity of the outstanding achievment.
Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 1 de septiembre de 2014 a las 15:15
- Categoría: Reflexión
- Lecturas: 34
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