She walks around the streets
while the world kneel on her feet
She walks safely looking always high
And every people turn their look around her smile.
She is a stranger for everyone
but each one in their soul
Surely I suppose, felt the warm of her laugh
Like I felt the beating of her heart - inside my chest-
I see her standing and my eyes
can't stop to look her and my mind
can't thinking correctly' cause her
Becomes me as a dangerous crazy man
But i know, that those eyes
never would be mine
and my body never could have
A special kiss of her mouth.
She is far away now
but her fire still burning, you don't know how
her body, her face, her hair, ¡Why!
I'm a poor prisioner and my jail is inside in her heart.
Metalpick (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 2 de septiembre de 2014 a las 23:42
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 25
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: El Hombre de la Rosa
Your poem borated art of poetry friend Metalpick
A pleasure to read you
Man of the Rose
No se leer alemán ni japonés amigo mío, solo Tarahumara
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