Tacit Alurement

Marco Antonio (El Gringo)

the mouth that teases with a sigh
lover's eyes that lure with a stare
a hand poised on a willing thigh
while rampant cravings quickly flare


reticent whispers their thoughts deny
a bashful touch bearing secret desires
beyond trying to comprehend why not or why
into the night - one flame out of two fires


playfully exploring their passionate game
eagerly satisfying any wish they name
lips and tongues; and naked skins are felt
into one heartbeat - two shivers melt



Marco '95

  • Autor: Marco Antonio; "El Gringo" (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 3 de junio de 2015 a las 22:48
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Por traducirce pronto al español
  • Categoría: Amor
  • Lecturas: 38
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  • María C.

    Lamento no saber ingles. Espero traducción

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