A grace over my head...

Richard Polio

What a wake up time

to live by this,

A profound twinkling in

ours lives;

A milestone at your behalf,

A momentum in our wonders,

Time pass and time never stop,

Soon is the past and soon is the


The present is just a utopia,

Never existed! Or is it?

And behind you are all struggles

and facts you’ve conquered step by step,

The broken ribbon

Appealed so long ago,

Beat by beat disappeared out of our hearts

The line of the horizon open their curtains,

Sunshine’s of possibilities in the theater of our

enactment appeared

The outcome filled with thrilling seaports

arrived with the aurora,

Feel blessed my son

We have the grace

to choose which path our life will sortie…


Richard Polio.


  • Autor: ZeeRichard (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 15 de junio de 2015 a las 22:08
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 33
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Gisela Guillén
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