I feel you across the night, I see you in my dreams
I yearn for the taste of your lips to set my soul ablaze
and whisper your name to the stars, to the moon
on wings of fire I take flight towards your downy arms
hoping the lingering torment of my wait will end soon
as the midnight breeze carries your scent across the ocean
I reminisce of when I first saw you; your image, evermore - unfaded
against the dark firmament, the contours of your body my fingers trace
and stretch my hands to clasp the comet's tail that will take me
towards your heart and close enough to touch your celestial face
divine destiny, allow me to find repose from my incessant flutter
and there my dwelling uncover, and forever rest upon your breast
for with stardust I shall write our names across the deep blue skies
in hopes of awaking by your side every dawn for the rest of my life
and by heaven's fate my quest do find - reflected in your angel eyes
Marco Antonio; "El Gringo" (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 24 de junio de 2015 a las 08:25
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: por traducirse pronto
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 39
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