The Tempest Within

Marco Antonio (El Gringo)

I linger in deep lassitude, in solitude
as knaves beset my life and against me contrive
one truth defeated by two lies, deceiving eyes
mastering the multitude with shrewd attitude

each torment probes my sanity with cruelty
inside the eye of the storm, yet more tempests form
the betrayal by the one once held most loyal
twisting reality with grim mortality

inside, the inferno coils as my spirit spoils
I should have heeded the presage on your visage
the impending end is here, your prize was too dear
your hand rapture foils, my soul for survival toils

neither angels can descry your foreboding grin
nor your suitor now, foresee the tempest within

  • Autor: Marco Antonio; "El Gringo" (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 25 de junio de 2015 a las 23:30
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: dodecasílabo con in-line rhymes combinado en soneto
  • Categoría: Amor
  • Lecturas: 37
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Nancy Ruiz Lee
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  • Nancy Ruiz Lee

    Wow! Great poem! I love the inside rhymes! It was a real pleasure reading such a fine poem. In a way, it kind of remind me of Shakespeare... Delicate and passionate at the same time, it's a real work of art.

  • Marco Antonio (El Gringo)

    Thank you so much, truly elated that you stopped by. And interestingly enough, yes, I patterned it after Shakespeare's sonnets, however as I tried to make it flow according to iambic hexameter (as opposed to the traditional iambic pentameter), the accent does not always follow where it should be, but all verses are indeed 12 syllables. And thanks for noticing the in-line rhymes. What an honor to enjoy your visit 🙂

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