Visions Of Crystal

Marco Antonio (El Gringo)

dusk, I contemplate the sun set and a new moon rise
as the horizon melts with the far blue oceans and skies
color by divine hand painted to match your sultry eyes
inspiration for all, but for some also their final demise


golden streaks on silver clouds that spawn your hair
beauty by Venus bequeathed for none can compare
skin of velvet and silk, honey and milk, sailing through air
name before time written among the stars of your lair


dawn, the gods have smiled,
the princess is born in satin and lace
I endure the precarious walk, and search
the way out of life's endless maze


though I shall choose to drink from the sacred chalice
and so be saved from destiny's pernicious grace
I will delight in visions of crystal flames and fires
hopelessly beguiled by the mystic reflections of your face

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  • Alexandra l

    Imágenes preciosas en tus letras Marcos, delicada belleza que mueve tu inspiración. Un placer leerte.

    Un cordial saludo, feliz fin de semana, Alexandra.

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