Lost Seasons

Marco Antonio (El Gringo)

Winter snow shall softly fall from silver-lined clouds
more white and pure than the flakes of years now gone
from the sky down to your feet, alluringly floating
they will dance and deliver promises of a new dawn

the splendor of crystal lakes reflected in your eyes
captivating, they shall summon a smile from your face
through the bedroom window gazing at the frost-glazed trees
and perhaps with another warm body will yours lace

but the Winter snow that saw us play with open hearts
passionately embraced and falling in love together
the diamond flakes that gently caressed our lips as we kissed
and the cold nights we shared when we loved forever

Winter days and nights when we stared at each other
and in our warm bed we played and fires used to burn
do not beguile yourself, for my beloved partner
our fanciful feelings and that Winter, shall not return

        Spring flowers shall blossom, bright and young and wild
        more beautiful than the precious petals of years now past
        with their arousing aroma your face they will caress
        and your happiness for eternity will seem to last

        birds will gather and for you sing new romantic songs
        with mesmerizing melodies dreams in you they will evoke
        the hand of a stranger will be there for you to hold
        and with its touch, your wanting body will provoke

        but the Spring flowers that saw us laugh and saw us touch
        times when like children we joyfully played in the park
        those emerald petals that silently watched us in our room
        when our deepest fantasies we fulfilled in the dark


        Spring days and nights when we slept in each other's arms
        and deep and pure love dwelled and fires used to burn
        do not betray yourself, for my sweet and only darling
        our magic moments and that Spring, shall not return

Summer waves shall wash ashore, shells strewn on the sand
with seductive sounds more enticing than the ones the years forgot
new ships will arrive bringing offerings that will intrigue
they will sail towards adventures more exotic than what we begot

the sun will shine on you brighter than ever, sizzling
and from within your beckoning body, arise shall a new flame
words will be whispered to your ear, and desires spoken
you will feel and your lips shall call upon another name

but the Summer waves that bathed our naked bodies
the breeze on our faces and the sparkling sand under our feet
the sapphire waters and the sensual shells that to your ear I held
looks and sentiments we shared as entwined we fell asleep


Summer days and nights when echoes of ardent love
and searching tongues touched and fires used to burn
do not delude yourself, for my cherished lover
our mystic ecstasy and that Summer, shall not retur

        Fall leaves shall part from trees and your portrait paint
        with colors more vibrant than the ones of years now astray
        and with a crisp air your will walk new paths to conquer
        you will be showered with blessings of a better day

        new stars shall decorate the nights your eyes contemplate
        from its deep sleep your dormant heart will perchance awake
        another's path you will cross, and destiny may reveal a new love
        for that someone, you will learn to give and not to only take

        but the desert storm blew our fall leaves mercilessly into oblivion
        along with all the years we threw away with made-up reasons
        for our souls, hearts, and bodies as one, best times of our lives
        one day each of us will secretly cry and yearn for our lost seasons

        for those ruby Fall days and nights when consumed in adoration
        without reservation I gave and fires used to burn
        do not deceive yourself: for my untamed passion and devotion
        and the way I loved you; and that Fall - will never return


Marco '94

  • Autor: Marco Antonio; "El Gringo" (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 27 de junio de 2015 a las 12:15
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Tema inspirado por el poema "Volveran las oscuras golondrinas" de Gustavo Adolfo Becquer. En este entrelaze las estaciones del an~o, y cada estacion esta marcada por una de las cuatro piedras preciosas: diamantes, esmeraldas, safiros, y rubis. La estare traduciendo pronto.
  • Categoría: Amor
  • Lecturas: 51
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Nancy Ruiz Lee
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