As the brown of your eyes,
As the black of your hair,
As the white of your hands,
And the red on your nails.
As The smile on your face,
When I see you around,
As The light of your heart,
When you love without try.
As your beautiful mind,
As your cute little be,
As your huge personality,
You're beloved my dear.
That's why I tell you,
Never say you're not good,
You are as God made you,
Are an Angel.
Everything of you,
It's perfect my friend,
You just need recognize,
What I see on yourself.
I wish you could see,
Through my eyes my dear friend,
Cause just when you'll do it,
You will understand.
I wanted to write you,
Some special this time,
I wanted to show you,
What you mean for this heart.
Tolerant Dragon (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 14 de julio de 2015 a las 09:31
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 44
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Brizas (Shira), Pepe Pnca
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