If you are ever lying in your bed
in the darkness of the night
and amidst the shadows you see a light
darling mine, that is the flame of my love
that burns for you like a fire bright and hot
moment after moment, longing to be where now I'm not
If you are ever so anxious and embrace your pillow
and to your face hold it tight
and you smell the sweet aroma that reminds you of our night
darling mine, that is the scent of my body
and roses I used to send in times past
when you held me next to you, and forever it seemed to last
And if you are hot and restless and take your covers off
and between the sheets you feel a soft breeze
that envelopes your perfect body to please
darling mine, that is my hand that touches you, caressing your each
and every inch with my fingertips, from your face all the way down to your feet
and then back up until our eyes meet
If your mouth is dry and suddenly your lips are moist
and filled with the taste of wine
that makes your body long for mine
darling mine, you taste my lips kissing yours
quenching your thirst for me and mine for you
more and more you into me and me into you
And if you hear the sounds of the wind
as it plays with the things around
making music with every different sound
darling mine, that is my voice that whispers
gently and sensually in your ear
until 'I love you, I love you', is all you hear
And when you wake up the morning after and reach out to hold my hand
but open your eyes to see and empty space where I used to be, and wonder
how can a dream ever feel so real, and you ask yourself if I still care
oh darling mine, I tell you this:
for that night when you thought you were dreaming
that night... I was really there!
Marco '89
Marco Antonio; "El Gringo" (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 20 de julio de 2015 a las 23:42
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 34
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: rosamaritza, LIZ ABRIL, Venus Maritza Hernandez
Muchas veces he tenido esos sueños que son tan reales... que uno al despertar no puede creer que no sea cierto! Será que realmente uno en los sueños puede viajar y llegar al lado de la persona amada?
Aunque la traducción tiene algunas fallas, se entiende perfectamente el sentimiento en tus letras. Un gusto volver a leerte Marco Antonio.
Un abrazo.
Mil gracias por pasar Liz, te he extrañado, y me alefra volver a conectarnos... baci, Marco.
Yo también te extrañé!!! Siempre tus poemas me trasmiten una enorme pasión, tanta como tus fotos con esos hermosos lugares que recorres en tus viajes. Ya me voy a dar una vueltita por ahí también!!!
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