What if. God was woman?
An undeterred Juan enquires.
Well, well, if God was woman.
Possibly us agnostics and atheists alike
Wouldn't say not with our heads
Rather than say yes with our gut.
Maybe we'll get so close to her divine naked body
To kiss her feet not made out of bronze,
Her pubis not of stone,
Her breasts not of marble,
Her lips not carve of plaster.
Indeed if God was woman we'll embrace her
And tear her out of its aged ubiquitous figure Allowing us leave behind our need to swear
“Until death do us apart”
Being that union already immortal by nature
and instead of transmit us AIDS or panic
It would gracefully pollute us her immortality.
If God was woman, wouldn't hide so far away in the kingdom of heaven,
She rather wait us from hades's front porch
with her arms not closed,
Her rose not plastic,
And his love not from angels.
Oh my God, my God
If till forever and since ever
You were a woman
What a beautiful magnificent fuss you'll be
So an adventurous, splendid, marvelous and impossible. PRODIGIOUS BLASPHEMY.
Y si dios fuera una mujer
Hideous attempt of translation
by: Manuel Jardim
Manueljardim_87 (
- Publicado: 2 de noviembre de 2015 a las 17:36
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Espero agrade y llegue a ojos anglo parlantes, pidiendo por adelantado; me sean perdonadas las posibles variaciones gramaticales y fonéticas. Indeseables consecuencias de extraer tan bello arreglo de palabras fuera de su idioma original.
- Categoría: Sociopolítico
- Lecturas: 48
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