Little hands to handle this.
Little heart to feel well.
Little mind to understand
Little soul to carry this weight.
And I need Your great hands to hold me
Your great heart to expand mine
Your wisdom guiding me
Your Spirit to carry me.
'Cuz I am full of doubt
'Cuz I feel dissapointed
And I lose in times the motivation
'Cuz I’m a little melancolic girl.
But You are greater.
And I stand in hope.
You are Greater
And that not depends on me.
You are greater
And that is enough
And I am waiting
Even if I don’t know what,
I’m waiting on you.
Chrystell (
- Publicado: 14 de diciembre de 2015 a las 23:59
- Categoría: Religioso
- Lecturas: 49
Little, but on the Greatest's hand!
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