Cielos de piedra


The roof of grey clouds meant disaster.
It was her time to ride better winds, hotter
She always had confidence in that matter.
Her guts had sensed the storm far sooner,  


She just denied the obvious for too long.
The future is not so uncertain outcome
To those who can hear how the son sings.
Time entangled around an event, some
Try to obstacle, everyone fails for no cause.  


Treads of the kind have killed and saved
Whatever way the minions behaved,
Because we only see on the shoulders
Of the known giants, illusive, bewildered  


No love of mother, no pain of sister, Mr.  


Bitterness is as certain as some showers
As happiness must we never empowers.  


Wasted land without dust in her hand
She turned to more productive, pleasure thoughts.  


What is by some way locked, closed will stay, understand,

                                                                                      it is no truisms around.  


Those, us,  that dream with unicorns, 
No olvidemos Machado en su síntesis
"Caminante no hay caminó,"
Así ella, píes de velludo, entró en la tierra desolada,

             no es lo sueño acordado que talla el mundo? si huevera uno                          

                                                                                      porque no lo altero para mejor? O no....  


Los cielos de piedra gritaran en unísono.


Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 19 de abril de 2016 a las 15:57
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 42
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Texi
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  • Texi

    Aunque lo traduje y lo leí varias veces, en realidad no sé si llegue a entenderlo todo correctamente...
    Aun asi lo guardo favorito tiene para mi un no sé qué…

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