Over and over again
Over and over your pictures,
The pictures of the two of us,
The pictures where you are by yourself,
The pictures where I want to be at.
Over and over again
Over and over the memories,
The memories of the two of us,
The memories that you left in my mind,
The memories that I wish I planted in your mind.
Over and over again
Over and over your body,
The body that I know by memory,
The body that you enjoy as a sacrilege,
The body that I miss as an addiction.
Over and over again
Over and over your letters,
The letters that you wrote in my ears,
The letters that you sent in my hands,
The letters that I couldn’t read in between lines.
Over and over
Over and over your name,
The name that I can’t call... again.
Elsa (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 27 de abril de 2016 a las 14:51
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Elsa, OKC. Today, while is raining poetry. To my friend Maria... Whose sighs inspired this poem. Serie: De los suspiros ajenos (English)
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 47
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