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(fotografía tomada de la web)
... and between silences and whispers
The loneliness embraced me,
Without realizing it
That without complaint it looked for.
I never got in the way
Of its harmonious presence,
Because in her I found
The peace of my existence,
And today, who walks beside me
Getting out of the mud,
Without asking anything in return
Until my shadow has become albino,
And to the edge of my days,
My gratitude shines
For your honest company.
Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick
- Autor: Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick (Seudónimo) ( Offline)
- Publicado: 5 de febrero de 2017 a las 22:27
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 32
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Ross4
La soledad... nuestra mejor compañera!
Buen poema.
Gracias por tu agradable compañía y tu sentimiento a mis humildes letras, apreciada poetisa Ross4. Que una cálida brisa te acerque mis afectos.
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