Do You Speak English?  Hola . Es un placer conocerte Mi nombre es Jessica Meir Soy oficial del ejército estadounidense. Me gustará conocerlo. Soy romántico y divertido estar con. Leí su perfil y realmente deseo indicarle mi interés. Busco relaciones íntimas genuinas y significativas con el amor, la pasión y el romance.
Por favor, me alegro si me envías un correo electrónico a mi correo electrónico privado
Dirección ( [email protected] )
Te enviaré mis fotos y te contaré más sobre mí y mis planes futuros. Mucho amor como espero oír de usted pronto.
[email protected]
Jessica Meir

  • Autor: EL POETA DE FUEGO (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 19 de mayo de 2017 a las 05:25
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Acabo de recibir de este usuario o usuaria,que no me explico como a entrado a este portal,en fin,les alerto,porque aqui no esta registrado ni tiene perfil,saludos David
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 108
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  • Raquelinamor

    Efectivamente, la persona que hace este tipo de contactos pertenece a una red de estafadores virtuales que opera en muchas redes. Continuamente son bloqueados en Facebook, y sus miembros denuncian que han sido estafadas. Al entrar a internet se encuentra una serie de nombres parecidos que son perfiles falsos tomados de personas pùblicas de modo que coincidan con las informaciones que ellos dan de si mismos, generalmente son cuentos parecidos unos de otros para enganchar gente solitaria de ambos sexos con promesas de matrimonio y luego comienzan a pedir remesas de dinero a distintos bancos. Durante años estuve haciendo denuncias en Facebook, de estos delincuentes de oficio, que se mueven como los virus, hasta acà ya entraron, que bueno que usted este alertando. Acà l envìo un modelo de las cartas que envian en diferentes idiomas como introducciòn-

  • Raquelinamor

    Central Scrutinizer, May 16, 2016
    Prints Of Darkness
    Prints Of Darkness

    Photos here: http://antifraudintl.org/threads/jessica-u-meir.105393/
    "Passport" here: http://antifraudintl.org/threads/u-s-a.18005/page-2#post-290375

    From Jessica U Meir
    Received: from (EHLO mail-vk0-f67.google.com) (
    Date: Tue, 17 May 2016
    Subject: Re: My name is Jessica U Meir,From Illinois United States of America
    From: Jessica U Meir

    Hello Dear .

    How is your day and the weather condition over there? thank you very much for your reply, as i told you I am united state army general but presently I'm in ISIS’s capital of Syria for peace keeping mission, my dear yes i really want to establish a long term relationship with you, maybe we can start as friend or go into business partner, as i want to invest in your country. So please tell me how economic of your country is and what type of market that really moves there, so that i will know the area to invest on.

    i am (Astronaut) working for U.S military base camp here in Syria, as a coordinator in Syria for peace keeping which i suppose it is not new to you. How is the situation of things over there regarding to the economic standard and security? Life is precious and i think nations economy grows as a result of good government and understanding of the people , What do you think? I lost my husband since 5 years ago with my precious daughter Mariama in a fatal car accident, What do you do for a living to overcome economical expenses and to sustain your family? There is a saying that it is difficult to find a prominent personnel of high principles which are responsible online regards to good friendship and business productivity,tell me your opinion over this? Well I will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity ,honesty and trust although we just knew each other, we can share ideas and discuss about more issues as we talk more about ourselves, and as time goes on there may be something great for us in the future although we just met, with the step of trust, love and willingness to begin this friendship.

    I assure you that we will be of friends that people will envy you and I, all we need to do is to be sincere in our communication as good friends okay, I am looking for a trustworthy and reliable man to do business with, because soon i will retire from my job and i will like to go into business investment, i find it interesting to invest in your country,and if we start the relationship, i think with time it may lead to good business, as it is one of the reason i search for you, What are your hobbies, Interest, Life style, Religious believe, and Plans for life? For me my Hobbies are Reading, music, and All sports, including running, snow skiing, sailing, and basketball. I enjoy meeting new people and knowing their way of life, I enjoy watching the sea waves and the beauty of the mountains and everything that nature has to offer.

    I also played the guitar in a rock and roll band, Religious a Catholic christian, my plans for my future is to invest in your country and settled down with a profitable business after my retirement from the Army . My Dear let me hear from you so that we can continue, God bless you for me and take good care of yourself.

    Yours Faithfully
    Jessica U Meir

  • Raquelinamor

    Serìa bueno denunciar este caso ante nuestro administrador para que sea bloqueado de inmediato.

  • Victor Ma. De San Lorenzo

    ¡Hola David!

    Pues investigué a la tal Jessica Meir y te pueo decir que es una vieja loca con sueños de caviar y deseos de champaña.. Me refiero a que quiere hacerse rica con artimañas.. Ella dice que es de Nueva York pero que vive en Saná Yemen.. Eso da indicios de que puede que esté tratando de colectar fondos para apoyar financieramente, a grupos terroristas del Medio Oriente. Así es que funcionan los miembros de esos delincuentes internacionales.. Ni Facebook, ni ninguna página social puede hacer nada efectivo para parar a esos parásitos. Lo que hay que hacer es ignorarlos a como de lugar..

    Shalom ... Felíz Shabbat.

    victor ma.

  • Beatriz Blanca

    Sería bueno denunciar este mensaje al administrador, para que tome recaudos para proteger la Página.

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