I remain static while watching your pictures
Trying to figure out what is hidden in your eyes
Photo by photo trying to recognize how many different ways to smile you have
None of them can tell me the meaning of the way how you look at me
the way how you smile to me.
Now, I am going crazy trying to make the best guess of the way you love me
If you love me more than I do
If you miss me more than I do
If you feel me more than I do
If you want me more than I do
And then when you are just in front of me I go blind and I get speechless barely can breathe because you occupy all the spaces and you make me feel like I need nothing but you.
I am fuck up… but it feels great because you are the one fucking me.
Elsa (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 29 de mayo de 2017 a las 21:06
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Arango. May 29/2017
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 50
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: yosoyelquesoysiempre
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