The damp wings,
the wind dry it,
when I go to fly in the morning,
in the beautiful sky,
you come with me,
if you want to see,
the great sky,
where I wake up in the floor to fly,
you don’t forget my wings,
when the eyes they can do rings,
of sweet desires with my wind,
you are my only flower,
when you grow in my heart,
like a star of sun,
and I listen a far noise,
a wind in my wings,
you can tell me with the sound,
when you can feel my wings to hug you,
and my wings appear dry,
like a leaf in autumn,
to flying in my great sky,
you don’t forget my wings in the wind,
if you remember to my wings to fly,
you don’t leave me alone,
if you can see my eyes,
like two stars in the sky,
with an only way…
EMYZAG (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 19 de septiembre de 2017 a las 00:06
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 36
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