I wanna remember you
when you were fine
when your look didn't seem twisted
when you were warm and smiling
when you were good at staring me
when you were innocent
when you had hope.
Not now, when you are another person.
Someone I haven't ever known
A stranger walking away
Walking out of somebody else's life and coming in again.
You are something, somewhere, sometime in space
that I can't recognize.
I keep an eye on your old photos and
the weirdest voice comes out to chant an encounter of our hi and bye.
'Cause you just are not'im anymore
Who'd get you through this time
What creature made you change your mind?
Something hit you quite hard
And made you go.
You ain't what you used to be
'Course love won't come and join to
'Cause there is nothing here
Neither you nor a bit of me .
Victoria Rojo (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 19 de noviembre de 2017 a las 17:44
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 21
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